may 2023 music chat
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top 3 albums
{as dictated by my stats}
green mirror – secret circuit
the soundtrack to life inside the art of Jean Giraud. otherworldly, psychedelic electronic music with an earthen quality. sounds which hearken to the sun’s rays, the growing of leaves, and the procession of water in the stream. vaguely stardew-esque, a great soundtrack for playing dwarf fortress (which is what i mainly did while listening to this.)
⭐: ‘Every Day There’s Something New To Say’, ‘Stillitude’, ‘Light on the Sand’, ‘The Song of the Sea’
i hope you can forgive me – madison mcferrin
moody and hypnotic neo-soul for the current era. every track on this album is so well produced, complex and layered in such a way that on each listen i am able to focus on a new part of the song. i didn’t find this album until the 29th of may and even then it managed to rocket up to the #2 position. one of my favorite albums of the year so far!
⭐: ‘(Please Don’t) Leave Me Now’, ‘Utah’, ‘Stay Away (From Me)‘
birds, bees, the clouds, & the trees – harrison
extant proof that an album can be mostly drums and piano and still fucking go crazy. a mix of jazzy future instrumentals and chillwave hiphop, drawing on such sources of inspiration as the music of Vince Guaraldi and the soundtrack to The Amazing World of Gumball. this album clocks in at only 29 minutes but feels like a self-contained journey to discover the joy in the solitude of nature.
⭐: ‘Music Box’, ‘Float’, ‘Inthecoupe’,
fav tracks
{these are just 5 tracks i really liked this month}
can’t get over you – who parked the car
one of those songs that will forever live in my head because it contains multiple key changes.
a fun little groove about one-sided love driven by percussion and saxophone, with the occasional flourish of guitar to tie it all together.
close quarters – harvey sutherland
what i imagine a modern soundtrack to ecco the dolphin might sound like. like if atlantis had invented the synthesizer. what else is there to say!
feel again – sir chloe
do you ever listen to a song 74 times in one week because it taps into some emotion that you have a hard time expressing? haha yeah me neither.
this is one of those songs you cry/shout as you sing along, and i expect to do a lot of that this fall/winter when seattle enters the 6 months of darkness that this song reminds me of.
prescription – remi wolf
world’s #1 remi wolf stan here btw. seeing her in concert was one of the best musical experiences of my life.
i’ve always really enjoyed the chaotic production of her earlier music, but i love this version of remi too!
a lot more slow than her normal work, broken down instrumentals in comparison to her previous albums, but GOD her voice goes so wild here. i have always said this but will reiterate it her: she will go down as one of the best vocalists of our time!
best friend – wallice
peak melancholic pop-rock, this song taps into so many feelings i had when i was graduating highschool / in my early 20s. immediately added it to my playlist for the interstice between fall and winter. really glad we’re getting a modern wave of music like this, and that so much of it is driven by female vocalists!